Coaching for organisations

Paint the picture of what’s possible

The results that your dream clients will get after working together

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Personal coaching

By making 1-on-1-coaching a part of your organisation’s vitality program you will ensure job satisfaction and sustainable employability. Do you want to provide your employee with an absenteeism policy that encourages them to "stay at work"? Preventive coaching aligns with good employer practices and is cost-effective. In an existing absenteeism situation, coaching offers your employee insights and tools to return to work.

The guidance:

The process:


Program “Vitaal Vakmens TNO”

Increase your employees' engagement and encourage ownership in craftsmanship and sustainable employability. This innovative program follows a simple 5-step approach, supported by 4 pillars, and is based on employee involvement. Your employees will address their personal needs and sustainable employability within their organization, team, or department. This is the way to participate in the work process long-term, healthily, productively, and meaningfully


These companies, among others, preceded you:

In partnership with Specialistennet:


Coaching for organisations

The preventive use of coaching aligns with your good employer practices and directly results in cost savings. In an existing absenteeism situation, coaching provides your employee with insights and tools to return to work. The guidance ensures positive change and is future-oriented.

In the initial meetings, discussions will focus on exploring the situation. The situation is examined from multiple perspectives to identify potential opportunities. The foundation of the coaching is personal development and ownership, ensuring the effects of the coaching are future-oriented.

Personal data is transmitted encrypted. Further information regarding privacy can be found in the privacy statement on this website.

I will estimate the number of necessary sessions. My focus is on delivering quality work within a reasonable timeframe. If additional time is required after the proposed course of action, I will contact you with a proposal for continuation.

You can directly register your employee via the online-contact form. I will contact your employee within 2 working days for an intake. During this intake, there will be an opportunity to get acquainted and clarify the request. Based on this conversation, I will prepare a quote, which you will receive as soon as possible.

Collaboration in a partnership provides you with a discount on personal coaching and the workshops. If interested, send a message via the contact form or schedule an online appointment in my calendar to discuss the possibilities.


Years of experience in coaching


clients helped throughout career




biz owners joined the mastermind

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